Bob Goff's Undistracted Workshop
with Bob Goff
March 18 - 20, 2022
Come be a part of the official launch of Bob’s new book, Undistracted. You’ll get a front row seat to his personal stories and encouragement to live a life focused on what’s important. As we’ve had time this last year to reflect on how we want to live our lives, and what our priorities are, come experience being poured into within the amazing setting of The Oaks! This 3 day, 2 night, all inclusive experience is filled with workshops and valuable time with Bob, delicious meals, and time to connect with other guests looking to live their lives undistracted. What a great way to move yourself forward toward things of importance this year!
You probably know what it’s like to be driving down the road when you suddenly feel the vibration and hear the guh-guh-guh-guh-guh of the rumble strips–those groves in the pavement–warning you that you’ve drifted out of your lane. You didn’t mean to get distracted. You only took your eyes off the road for a moment, but you drifted off course. And that’s a lot like life, isn’t it?
In Undistracted, Bob Goff lovingly yanks us back in our lane and helps us get back on track so we can live our lives with real purpose and joy. In his trademark storytelling style, Bob helps us
- learn the destruction of distraction and the benefits of living a life of undistracted love and authentic connection;
- identify the distractions in our lives and either eliminate them or route around them; and
- catch a vision of our future, undistracted selves where we can experience true happiness and joy.
Bob’s inspiring and entertaining stories in Undistracted show us what it looks like to live a beautiful and purposeful life rather than drifting aimlessly from one season to the next. He encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus and harness life’s distractions so we can find joy despite our circumstances.
View our schedule and learn more on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
About the Guide
Bob Goff
Bob Goff is the author of the New York Times bestselling Love Does and Everybody, Always, Dream Big and his latest book, Undistracted. He is the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda, an attorney, and the founder of Love Does—a nonprofit human rights organization operating in Uganda, India, Nepal, Iraq, and Somalia. He's a lover of balloons, cake pops, and helping people pursue […]
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