January Oaks Retreat: Living a Life you Love

with Stefanie Boyce and Justin Boyce

January 24 - 26, 2025

Date and Time Details: January 24-26, 2025

Location: The Oaks Retreat Center

Contact: Registration Team
(760) 789-6980

  • STANDARD includes (1) private room, shared bathroom – $1,000.00
  • DELUXE includes (1) private room, semi-private bathroom – $1,400.00
  • PREMIUM includes (1) private room, private bathroom – $1,800.00
  • DOUBLE OCCUPANCY includes (1) private room with K/Q Bed, private bathroom – $2,000.00
  • DOUBLE OCCUPANCY includes (1) private room, 2 beds (size varies), private bathroom – $2,000.00

Price includes lodging, programming, fitness/yoga classes, contrast therapy and meals. Extra experiences (like massage or 1:1 coaching) can be added on separately after you register.

Everything on the schedule is optional. We want you to get what you need out of this weekend.

Check-in is Friday between 2:00-4:00pm. The first session is 4:30pm on Friday. We wrap up on Sunday around 10:30am, but we are about an hour outside San Diego and recommend planning some buffer time for travel and lunch so you’re not rushed leaving. We also have an early-check in option if you’d like to add an extra day and come on Thursday. Then you would have 3 nights and 2 full days of full access to the property amenities, classes, and pre-retreat programming. You’ll see that add-on as an option when you register.


Habits are the building blocks of a fulfilling life. They provide structure, enhance efficiency, and empower us to pursue our aspirations. By cultivating positive habits, we can create a life that aligns with our values and brings genuine happiness. As James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, reminds us, “To love your habits is to love your days, and to love your days is to love your life.”

During this retreat, we will explore the core principles of habit formation and delve into the psychology behind successful habits. Discover how even the smallest changes can lead to remarkable results, and develop a personalized habit-building plan tailored to your goals. Through interactive sessions, you’ll learn the power of identity-based habits and how to align them with who you truly are, rather than the expectations of who you should be.

The weekend offers a balanced mix of optional workshops, personal reflection, and free time to rest, play, and explore. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of habit psychology, practical strategies to kickstart your transformation, and the motivation to make lasting change.

In a world filled with quick fixes and overnight successes, we believe in the power of small beginnings. It’s time to shift our hustle mindset and take cues from the rhythms of nature, where growth is gradual, collaborative, and sustainable. Play is another key element—helping us soften our fears of failure and build resilience. Join us for this transformative journey, where nurturing habits become the foundation for a life well-lived.



subject to change.

Pre-Retreat Session: Setting Your Intentions

For early arrivals, we’ll start with a pre-session focused on exploring the current landscape of your habits. We’ll reflect on the patterns that have shaped your life, celebrate your successes, and identify obstacles that have held you back. This session sets the tone for the weekend, offering a chance to pause, gain perspective, and prepare for the journey of transformation ahead.


Workshop 1: Cultivating the Foundation: Understanding the Psychology of Habits

Delve into the psychology of why we form habits and why some are harder to change. You’ll learn how to design and implement effective habit loops and examine past successes and challenges. By understanding the foundation of your habits, you’ll be better equipped to make lasting changes with intention.


Workshop 2: The Power of Identity-Based Habits: Aligning with Who You Are Becoming

Habits are closely linked to our sense of identity. In this workshop, you’ll explore how your habits can align with the person you aspire to be. Learn how to craft an identity-based habit vision that supports your growth and discover how aligning your actions with your true self can lead to powerful, lasting change.


Workshop 3: Nature and Play as Our Guides: Finding Joyful Progress

Nature shows us the beauty of gradual, sustainable growth. In this session, you’ll learn how to align your habits with the rhythms of the natural world to create lasting transformation. We’ll also explore the role of play in habit change, discovering how to incorporate joy and spontaneity into our journey toward growth.


Workshop 4: Nurturing Sustainable Change: Building a Lasting Foundation
The key to lasting habit change is integration. This workshop will guide you in exploring habit-stacking techniques that make change feel effortless. You’ll clarify your vision for who you are and where you’re headed, creating kind reminders and invitations that support your ongoing transformation.



Why This Matters

Transforming our habits is about more than just achieving goals; it’s about aligning our actions with our values and the person we want to become. This retreat isn’t about quick fixes—it’s about building a sustainable foundation for lasting change. By understanding the psychology of our habits and learning to nurture them with kindness, we can create a life that feels more intentional and fulfilling.


Who This Retreat Is For

This retreat is for anyone ready to understand their habits on a deeper level and make meaningful, lasting changes. Whether you’re looking to break old patterns, cultivate new ones, or simply understand what drives your behavior, this retreat offers a space for self-discovery and growth. If you want to create a more sustainable and compassionate relationship with your habits, this weekend is for you. Join us alone, with a partner, or with friends, and let’s embark on a journey of transforming our habits together.




About the Guides

Stefanie Boyce

Stefanie Boyce, B.A, CSD, CET-1,  R-YFT, MBC is the Oaks Retreat Director, creator of the Oaks Retreat signature framework and Founder and Therapeutic Coach at Inner Sanctuary Home, Inc. She received her degree in Psychology and Community Health and holds certifications as an Experiential Therapist, Spiritual Director, Yoga Instructor, Mind-Body Coach and Wellness Counselor. She has received additional training in Integrative Somatic […]

Learn more about Stefanie Boyce

Justin Boyce

Justin Boyce is a seasoned professional with a passion for holistic well-being and personal transformation. As a certified SHERPA breath and cold instructor and a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, Justin brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the realms of breathwork, cold exposure, and physical fitness. Justin's journey into the world of wellness began […]

Learn more about Justin Boyce

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