September Oaks Retreat: Recovering from Burnout

with Stefanie Boyce, Justin Boyce and Donna Weber

September 27 - 29, 2024

Date and Time Details: September 27-29, 2024

Location: The Oaks Retreat Center

Contact: Registration Team
(760) 789-6980

  • SHARED OCCUPANCY, open to roommate placement – $1,000.00
  • INDIVIDUAL OCCUPANCY, private room, no roommate – $1,400.00
  • INDIVIDUAL OCCUPANCY, private bedroom and bathroom – $1,800.00
  • DOUBLE OCCUPANCY (1) Bed – $2,000.00
  • DOUBLE OCCUPANCY (2) Beds – $2,000.00

Price includes lodging, programming, and meals. Extra experiences (like massage or 1:1 coaching) can be added on separately after you register.

Everything on the schedule is optional. We want you to get what you need out of this weekend.

Check-in is Friday between 2:00-4:00pm. The first session is 4:30pm on Friday. We wrap up on Sunday around 10:30am, but we are about an hour outside San Diego and recommend planning some buffer time for travel and lunch so you’re not rushed leaving. However, we also have an early-check in option is you’d like to add an extra day and come on Thursday. Then you would have 3 nights and 2 full days. You’ll see that add-on as an option when you register.

Burnout has become an all-too-common experience, and it can impact anyone, regardless of their profession or background. If you’ve ever felt the crushing weight of never-ending responsibilities, experienced mental and physical exhaustion, or noticed a waning enthusiasm for things that used to bring you joy, you’re not alone. The toll that burnout can take on your emotional, physical, and mental well-being is substantial, and it often goes unnoticed until it reaches a breaking point.

Our “Healing from Burnout” retreat recognizes the pressing need for a dedicated space where individuals can escape the daily grind and reclaim their inner strength and vitality. Burnout often thrives in the absence of time and margin. We provide a nurturing environment for participants to pause, reflect, and regain a sense of control over their lives. It’s an opportunity to step out of the perpetual cycle of doing and rekindle your passion, purpose, and joy.

This retreat is designed to be a sanctuary for self-restoration, an oasis of self-compassion and growth. We understand that the path to healing from burnout can be an intricate journey, and we’re here to guide you through it. Together, we’ll delve into the root causes of burnout, explore strategies for recovery, and foster lasting habits for self-care and resilience. If you’ve ever wondered how to overcome the ceaseless drain of burnout, join us on this transformative retreat. It’s your time to prioritize your well-being, regain your energy, and rediscover the vibrant, purposeful life that awaits beyond burnout’s shadow.



Workshop 1: Understanding and Honoring Burnout

  • Identify Burnout Triggers: With compassion and kindness, we will identify underlying factors and triggers that contribute to burnout in your life.
  • Understand the Science of Burnout: Explore the science of burnout as we learn about the nervous system.
  • Recognize Signs and Symptoms: Understand the physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms associated with burnout.

Workshop 2: Recovery Strategies

  • Stress Reduction Techniques: Explore a range of stress management methods and relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety and tension.
  • Neurological Regulation Practices: Learn how to incorporate practices into your daily life to promote emotional well-being and resilience.
  • Balancing Work and Life: Discover strategies for establishing a healthier work-life balance and setting boundaries to prevent burnout.

Workshop 3: Nurturing Boundaries and Embracing Support

  • Define Your Personal Boundaries: Gain clarity on your personal boundaries and understand what’s essential for your well-being. Learn how to set healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life.
  • Recognize Your Limits and the Power of “Enough”: Explore the concept of “enough” in various aspects of your life, from work to personal commitments. Discover how recognizing your limits can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
  • Learn How to Effectively Ask for Help: Break down the barriers that prevent you from seeking support when needed. Develop communication skills and strategies to ask for help without hesitation.

Workshop 4: Creating a Burnout-Resistant Life

  • Prioritizing Purpose: Clarify your personal values and your vision for your life, creating a roadmap for a fulfilling and meaningful existence.
  • Effective Identity-Based Setting: Learn to set achievable goals that align with your aspirations and contribute to a sense of accomplishment.
  • Building a Support Network: Identify resources, practices, connections and supportive relationships that enhance your well-being and provide a safety net against burnout.

subject to change.


Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards healing from burnout? This retreat promises to be more than just an escape—it’s a revitalizing experience that will leave you with a newfound sense of purpose, inner peace, and a toolkit of strategies to maintain your well-being. You’ll rediscover your resilience, nurture your boundaries, and uncover the strength to say “enough.” Don’t wait—secure your spot today and take the first step toward a rejuvenated, more aligned life.








About the Guides

Stefanie Boyce

Stefanie Boyce, B.A, CSD, CET-1,  R-YFT, MBC is the Oaks Retreat Director, creator of the Oaks Retreat signature framework and Founder and Therapeutic Coach at Inner Sanctuary Home, Inc. She received her degree in Psychology and Community Health and holds certifications as an Experiential Therapist, Spiritual Director, Yoga Instructor, Mind-Body Coach and Wellness Counselor. She has received additional training in Integrative Somatic […]

Learn more about Stefanie Boyce

Justin Boyce

Justin Boyce is a seasoned professional with a passion for holistic well-being and personal transformation. As a certified SHERPA breath and cold instructor and a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, Justin brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the realms of breathwork, cold exposure, and physical fitness. Justin's journey into the world of wellness began […]

Learn more about Justin Boyce

Donna Weber

Donna Weber is a certified life coach, including Bob Goff’s Dream Big coaching certification and an Enneagram Practitioner and Coach certification (pending completion). Donna believes that our stories and how we live into them have a shaping influence on who we are, how we show up, how we move forward, and what we bring to […]

Learn more about Donna Weber

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